Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Awesome Spiderman Pinata

I made this Spiderman Pinata for my buddy Colton's 4th Birthday party. His body is a regular cardboard box, his legs and arms were from paper towel tubes and his web is from six pack plastic holders. He was fun to make and the kids had a blast whacking him until an adult had to hit him hard enough for all the candy to spill. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Home Grown Sunflower Seeds

If you are lucky enough to live in an area where giant sunflowers grow then this is a familiar sight. I'm only lucky enough to know someone who has enough to give away. The first thought that struck me after staring at this wonder is how perfectly nature can make and repeat patterns. The second was "how do I make this into a yummy snack?" Having never done so before I asked the internet and like most answers the internet gives I had to wing it.

First I picked all the seeds from the flower and soaked them in salt water overnight.
Then I drained them. Do not rinse.
Then I spread them out on a cookie sheet and gave them some seasoning. I choose to do half with regular season salt and the rest with sour cream on onion flavoring that came with some popcorn seasonings.
Everyone's oven is different but I baked mine for 30 mins on 400 degrees. They came out awesome, we can not stop eating them! Plus the remaining flower part looks cool in my backyard and also attracts bees to my garden.